Initial concept sketches
Our Mount Rhodes house for client Schmitt is under construction.   
The twelve month site program is under way and currently one month ahead of schedule.
The sugar Gum timber frame Post & Beam link structure is being installed - and this will make this residence unique and will be a defining feature of this development
QuoinStudio A R C H I T E C T U R A L,    R E T A I L    &    G R A P H I C    D E S I G N    P R A C T I C E
C O M P L E T E D   R E S I D E N T I A L   P R O J E C T
-  N E W   B U I L D   I N   M O U N T   R H O D E S   E S T A T E
Sugar Gum Beam (450 x 600)
Pano View 2 (1200 x 680)
Concept Sketch 1
Concept Sketch 2
Schmitt Site Profile (800 x 559)
Schmitt Sugar Gum Trusses (800 x 578)
Schmitt Progress (800 x 800)
IMG_E6077 (600 x 600)
Site progress
Installation of the Sugar Gum post & beam trusses
P&B 1 (600 x 800)
P&B 2 (600 x 800)
P&B 3  (600 x 800)
Schmitt Front View (1800 x 815)
Schmitt Kitchen 1 (800 x 1067)
Schmitt Kitchen 2 800 x 1067)
Schmitt Entrance (800 x 1067)
Schmitt Pool (800 x 1067)
Schmitt Bathroom (800 x 800)
Schmitt Ceiling (800 x 800)
Schmitt Frontage (800 x 800)
Schmitt Walk In (800 x 800)
Completed Project - October 2020
B U I L D I N G     E X T E N S I O N    T O    E X I S T I N G    H O U S E  
I N   M O U N T   R H O D E S   E S T A T E
Kriessel Interior (1000 x 1000)
0 2 / 0 4 / 2 0 2 3

The future of Architecture will surely be AI driven.

Referencing an interior view of the existing house for a building extension, and inputting some short prompts, I had an AI program produce some alternative concepts for ideas. The eight resulting images were produced in under a few minutes.

It will not be too far into the immediate future when AI software can interpret these into three dimensional models & plan documentation for submissions and construction, taking local building codes into consideration, as well as all materials required.

Exciting times indeed!
Kriessel  Concepts 1
Kriessel  Concepts 2
R E F E R E N C E    P I C T U R E
G E N E R A T E D    C O N C E P T    V I S U A L S    "1"
G E N E R A T E D    C O N C E P T    V I S U A L S    "2"